I started heating the water to seep the grains in the cooler, pour into the cooler then slowly added the the grains in my recipe while stirring to prevent clumping. This phase of the cycle went without a hitch. Temperature of the added water was 169 degrees and maintained in the cooler at 154 degrees for an hour just like it was supposed to be.
That was the last time during the process that everything went smoothly. Upon draining into the boil pot the drain became clogged and would not allow the seeped grains fluid to flow. Tried several ways to unclog the port without any success. Thus I ended up having to remove the seep measuring cup by measuring cup and straining through a strainer ... which by the way put air into the wort which I did not want to do. When spraging I ended up having to batch sprage and still remove the same way. The OG was less than I wanted at 1.018.
Started the boil and added the hops. Boiled the first hops 60 minutes and the second addition 15 minutes. When to place in a ice bath to cool and ran through all the ice I had in the freezer and still was at 120 degrees. Note: next time store much more ice for ice bath. Finally, hours later, using the outside freezer I got the temperature down enough to pitch the yeast. Everything is in the growler and waiting for fermentation to begin. OG of boil is still low at 1.025.
Tons of Dishes to Clean |
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