Yesterday I started brewing another smoked porter with a couple of slight changes to improve the recipe. So far I like what I have produced but still it isn't exactly what I have been looking for in the flavor department. During the last three batches of other styles of beer I have been extending the secondary carboy time to extract a slightly higher alcohol content and improve their flavors. Additionally, with the bottle conditions I am extending the amount of time the beer conditions to further enhance the flavors and mouth feel.
Sweet Sharon in the Secondary - Yeast Working Away |
I recently purchased a couple of carboy bags which in addition to blocking the light has allowed me to use ice packs to slow the fermentation of the yeast and control the temperature. Ideally I would like to purchase a dedicated cooler to better control the temperatures, but first I have to get a refrigerator to start the kegging of the beer ... on hold for funds right now.
The Breakfast Nook is Mine Now -- And Even More Room is Needed |
I wanted to tell anyone reading this about a warning. Currently, I have been using the kitchen sink to cool my wort, but over time and thanks to the weight of the wort I have noticed a slight separation in the caulking. I am going the beef up under the sink and find another way to cool my wort using the wort chiller I purchased.
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